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La mayoría de los triatletas pasan mucho tiempo tratando de reducir segundos en sus tiempos de natación, ciclismo y carrera, y prestan muy poca atención al valioso tiempo que pueden ahorrar en el área de transición simplemente practicando lo que hacen. Puede sonar tonto, incluso tonto, pero no tan tonto como parece la mayoría de la gente el día de la carrera, cuando no practican sus transiciones.
Simule lo que hará en T1, incluido quitarse el traje de neopreno, ponerse los zapatos y el casco, y subirse a la bicicleta hasta el punto en el que quede enganchado. Simule T2, incluido bajarse de la bicicleta, correr con la bicicleta descalzo (o en su bicicleta). zapatos si lo hace), quitarse el casco y ponerse zapatillas para correr.
Finalmente, antes de que comience su carrera, recuerde dónde está colocada su bicicleta y en qué dirección está la salida. Mira cualquier triatlón y encontrarás algunas personas que en realidad no conocen.
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3 comentarios

  • Hey Cody,
    For a half, unless you are at the very top of the pointy end, don’t leave them clipped into your bike. I cant tell you how many times I have had one shoe fall off and have to pick it up and then put it on…or one time I accidentally put the wrong shoe on the wrong side! Also, if you wear socks, then your socks get all dirty or feet have a higher chance of having a pebble on them which will cost you more time than you think because you are thinking about that pebble rather than hammering. Don’t be afraid to wear thin socks…it only takes 5 seconds more, and you can make up for that with the increased comfort on the bike and run when you do not get blisters or hot spots. For sprints, all bets are off. Cut away until there is nothing left to cut.

  • Great advice from Emilio! Another thing: remember to SIT DOWN when changing shoes—don’t try hopping around on one foot as you struggle to put on your running/ cycling shoes. Seems like it would take longer but it’s much more efficient to sit. You will find that smoother is faster. Also with a 1/4 to half mile remaining in bike, back off from “hammer” mode and shift to a lower gear (easier spinning) and semi remove your shoes so you can still pedal, but will slip out easily in transition. The lower gear will better ready your legs for the higher cadence demanded by running and will help flush lactic acid/ rest your legs a bit before the run. Enjoy your race!

  • Hi Emilio, thanks for the tip!

    I’ve recently completed my first sprint and two olympics. Will attempt a half next month at Donner lake. In my previous races I put my bike shoes on in the transition areas and then clipped on to the bike after mounting. However, in the spirit of shortening transition times, I’m tempted to have my shoes clipped prior to mounting. Any thoughts?



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