So Easy!
For a bigger guy like myself the speed tube has been a life saver. I get to the reservoir, throw it on with no effort, and hit the water as happy as a clam.
So verwenden Sie dieses Diagramm:
Finden Sie Ihre Größe und Ihr Gewicht in der Größentabelle. Dadurch werden Sie auf eine oder zwei verschiedene Größen eingegrenzt.
Bibjohn: Finden Sie Ihre Taillen- und Hüftmaße in der Tabelle für Ihr Geschlecht. Dies ist Ihre Bibjohn-Größe.
Pullover: Finden Sie Ihre Brust- und Taillenmaße für Ihr Geschlecht in der Tabelle. Dies ist Ihre Pullovergröße.
ANDERE FAKTOREN:Dass Sie möglicherweise eine andere Größe oben als unten haben; Dies kommt bei T1-Neoprenanzügen sehr häufig vor. Es ist ganz einfach: Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie würden zwei einteilige Neoprenanzüge unterschiedlicher Größe anprobieren. Sie mögen die Art und Weise, wie sich Ihre Beine und Hüften an einer davon anfühlen, und Sie bevorzugen die Art und Weise, wie sich Brust, Arme und Schulter an einer anderen anfühlen. Einfach ausgedrückt ist dies das, was wir anbieten, kombiniert mit der Vorstellung, dass, da die beiden Teile nicht befestigt sind, sondern sich überlappen, ein Teleskopbereich zwischen der Unterseite des Pullovers und dem Mittelteil des Bibjohn besteht, um einen größeren Bereich zu ermöglichen Körpergrößen und Rumpflängen!
Also denk daran:
Wenn Sie irgendwelche Zweifel oder Bedenken haben oder detailliertere Hilfe wünschen, senden Sie die folgenden Informationen (und ein Foto, wenn Sie es für hilfreich halten) per E-Mail an oder (wenn Sie weiblich sind). möchte mit einer Frau kommunizieren).
Eine Warnung vor bestimmten Gleitmitteln und deren Auswirkungen auf Stoffe: Viele Sportgleitmittel, insbesondere nichtflüssige Arten (wie Body Glide, Vaseline und Fensterledercremes), eignen sich gut für Neoprenanzüge, nicht jedoch für Kleidung. Sie neigen dazu, Kleidung, insbesondere lockere Kleidung, klebrig statt rutschig und rutschig zu machen, was normalerweise zu Scheuerstellen führt. Außerdem beschädigen sie im Laufe der Zeit alle Stoffe, hinterlassen Flecken und verfärben sie. Wir raten davon ab, sie zu verwenden, da ihre Verwendung zum Erlöschen unserer Garantie führt.
Störungen in der globalen Lieferkette und im Güterverkehr betreffen uns bei den wenigen Produkten, die wir nicht in den USA herstellen. Dieses Produkt gehört zu diesen wenigen. Bestellen Sie jetzt, bevor wir ausverkauft sind!
Der Speedtube™ wurde 2004 von Emilio De Soto erfunden. Obwohl er die Vorteile des schnelleren Schwimmens in einem kompletten Neoprenanzug liebte, fühlte er sich zu warm und klaustrophobisch. Nach sorgfältiger Recherche und Tests, wie man den Auftrieb eines Neoprenanzugs ohne Geschwindigkeitsverlust erreichen kann, wurde der Speedtube geboren. Der Speedtube lässt die Hüften schweben, ohne die Rumpfrotation und die natürliche Schlagbewegung zu beeinträchtigen, was zu einer besseren Schwimmtechnik führt. Perfekt für Rennen, Training oder als Ersatz für Ihre Schwimmboje.
Größenangaben: Bitte beachten Sie die Schaltfläche „Größentabelle“ oben, um Hinweise zur Größenbestimmung je nach Geschlecht zu erhalten. Im Zweifelsfall senden Sie Fragen per E-Mail an
Der Speedtube und alle einzelnen Teile des T1-Neoprenanzugs sind gemäß den von ITU, WTC, USAT und allen anderen Leitungsgremien festgelegten Regeln völlig legal . Es darf nur bei Rennen getragen werden, bei denen Neoprenanzüge erlaubt sind.
Das zweiteilige Design der T1-Neoprenanzüge bietet mehr Komfort und weniger Einschränkungen. Da die Ober- und Unterseite nicht miteinander verbunden sind, haben Sie viel mehr Bewegungsfreiheit und es gibt keine „Rumpfgummidehnung“ oder Schulterermüdung, die bei einteiligen Neoprenanzügen auftritt. Alle T1-Modelle werden einzeln verkauft, um eine individuellere und persönlichere Passform zu ermöglichen. Mit bis zu sieben Größen an Ober- und Unterteilen stehen Ihnen 49 mögliche Größenkombinationen zur Auswahl. Zu den weiteren Funktionen, die wir vor vielen Jahren eingeführt haben, gehören tiefere Ausschnitte und dickeres Gummi an den Beinen und Hüften, um die größten Knochen und Muskeln des Körpers zu unterstützen. Mehr Auftrieb bedeutet hier mehr Geschwindigkeit. T1-Neoprenanzüge sind nicht voller Spielereien, sondern nur mit Physik.
Neue Eigenschaften:
Lieblingsfunktionen bleiben:
Gemacht für Schwimmer und Triathleten, die:
Egal, ob Sie gerne zum Sport schwimmen oder auf der Schwimmstrecke eines Triathlons sind, T1-Neoprenanzüge bieten Ihnen Geschwindigkeit, Komfort und Auftrieb, die das Schwimmen zum reinen Vergnügen machen!
For a bigger guy like myself the speed tube has been a life saver. I get to the reservoir, throw it on with no effort, and hit the water as happy as a clam.
Have been wearing them training in 61-64 degree water off the New England coast. I love the added flotation and speed. I barely need to kick (freestyle) as this wetsuit “reorients” the plane of my body making me more parallel to the ocean floor. My only concern is, due to the extra hefty neoprene gauge, I may get over-heated in warmer water temps….I have a 2 mile ocean swim next week across Narragansett Bay where the water temperature is predicted at 68 to 72*…but its already 69 currently. Over 72-73 degrees I may have to go to Plan B….but I still love this item!
I've been racing for 20+ years, and train exclusively in the open water during the summer, mostly solo in a lake. I've been using the speed tube for well over 10 years and it has never disappointed. Keeps me in the "wetsuit" position when a wetsuit would be way too hot for a 45-min swim in high-70 degree water. Not only is it comfortable, but its bulletproof durable! Before i "discovered" DeSoto wetsuits, I went through 4 or 5 full suits from other brands (team sponsorships.) The others all ended up tearing somewhere, or a zipper breaks, etc., even though I would only use the full suits once or twice a month for races. I've used the speed tube 3-4 times a week for many years! Early in the season i'll throw on the sleeveless or the full sleeve T1 top if the water temp is low. Those have all held up as well, as good as the day I bought them! Absolute genius invention and perfect product for anyone who consistently trains & races in open water. And oh by the way, if you ever have a product issue or question, the owner of the company will email you or call you -- Emilio stands by his products, and his devotion to quality, his customers, and to the sport, is obvious and evident.
Great news for this older adult-onset swimmer. The 5mm thickness correctly aligns my body with high hips and legs. The two-piece suit means I never need help to get the wetsuit on. Older and less flexible shoulders don't care for messing around with those zip up one-piece wetsuits that normally require help from another person. Most of my weekend training swims at the state park beach area is done early in the am and by myself. Durability? I have a speed tube from 10 years ago that still functions as designed. I usually swim in the lake 8-10 times a month from Mid May to the end of September when the beaches close. That is nearly 400 swim sessions in my older speed tube.
I love my speedtube! - Openwater swimming in decent warm water: A bit extra heating in water temperatures around 20 Celsius - gives the feeling of swimming without wetsuit, with extra security and speed as a full wetsuit. - Using it in "cold" pools and many water activities when it's a bit too cold with only the swimming trunk. (Playing with the kids in cold waters, SUP-board etc). After 15 years active use I need to buy a new one....
I have been looking for a new wetsuit. I currently own a few high end one piece long sleeve and sleeveless, however I don’t like the tightness that they create in my shoulders, I feel like there is extra pressure due to my height (198cm and 110kgs). I thought I would try the T1 Speedtube long pants. I bought the size 7 and like the stretch and fit. I gave them a run today and dropped 10 sec per hundred from 1min 30sec to 1min 20sec per hundred. Next purchase will be the sleeveless vest. If you are not happy with the fit of your wetsuit I would definitely give DeSoto a try.
I hate the restriction of a full suit on my swimming so I gave the speedtube a shot. It fit and worked great. I would recommend to any ocean swimmer who wants to add a little warmth and buoyancy to his/her swim.
They work well.
Works fantastic!
This is my second T1 Speedtube. I had one for years that I just eventually wore out, probably by letting the ocean water eat it away. There was no question that I was going to replace it with the same thing. I get plenty of lower body buoyancy, and plenty of warmth. I've worn this without anything on top through several winters in La Jolla, and it does the trick.
I get extremely claustrophobic in a wetsuit and usually end up unable to breathe or wheezing. I’ve been wearing swim skins instead. I decided to give these a try to give myself the wetsuit edge most other triathletes have, and I couldn’t be happier. These provide the perfect leg flotation and balance with non of the concern for upper body constriction—and are MUCH faster to strip than a full suit. I’m so happy DeSoto provide a two piece option.
love second one. terrific hands on service
So, i’m one of those people that panics in wetsuits. In preparation for my first 70.3 Iron, I stumbled upon the speed tube and vest. WOW. It was fantastic. Swimming in the open water without any panicky thoughts, I simply didn’t think that was possible. Fast swim split, to boot! Next race is an Ironman, you can bet I’ll be wearing my speed tube and vest!
Great! Other brands offer a product that was either too thin or were so low rise that they didn’t cover my bottom. Your Speedtube is perfect!
For a bigger guy like myself the speed tube has been a life saver. I get to the reservoir, throw it on with no effort, and hit the water as happy as a clam.
Have been wearing them training in 61-64 degree water off the New England coast. I love the added flotation and speed. I barely need to kick (freestyle) as this wetsuit “reorients” the plane of my body making me more parallel to the ocean floor. My only concern is, due to the extra hefty neoprene gauge, I may get over-heated in warmer water temps….I have a 2 mile ocean swim next week across Narragansett Bay where the water temperature is predicted at 68 to 72*…but its already 69 currently. Over 72-73 degrees I may have to go to Plan B….but I still love this item!
I've been racing for 20+ years, and train exclusively in the open water during the summer, mostly solo in a lake. I've been using the speed tube for well over 10 years and it has never disappointed. Keeps me in the "wetsuit" position when a wetsuit would be way too hot for a 45-min swim in high-70 degree water. Not only is it comfortable, but its bulletproof durable! Before i "discovered" DeSoto wetsuits, I went through 4 or 5 full suits from other brands (team sponsorships.) The others all ended up tearing somewhere, or a zipper breaks, etc., even though I would only use the full suits once or twice a month for races. I've used the speed tube 3-4 times a week for many years! Early in the season i'll throw on the sleeveless or the full sleeve T1 top if the water temp is low. Those have all held up as well, as good as the day I bought them! Absolute genius invention and perfect product for anyone who consistently trains & races in open water. And oh by the way, if you ever have a product issue or question, the owner of the company will email you or call you -- Emilio stands by his products, and his devotion to quality, his customers, and to the sport, is obvious and evident.
Great news for this older adult-onset swimmer. The 5mm thickness correctly aligns my body with high hips and legs. The two-piece suit means I never need help to get the wetsuit on. Older and less flexible shoulders don't care for messing around with those zip up one-piece wetsuits that normally require help from another person. Most of my weekend training swims at the state park beach area is done early in the am and by myself. Durability? I have a speed tube from 10 years ago that still functions as designed. I usually swim in the lake 8-10 times a month from Mid May to the end of September when the beaches close. That is nearly 400 swim sessions in my older speed tube.
I love my speedtube! - Openwater swimming in decent warm water: A bit extra heating in water temperatures around 20 Celsius - gives the feeling of swimming without wetsuit, with extra security and speed as a full wetsuit. - Using it in "cold" pools and many water activities when it's a bit too cold with only the swimming trunk. (Playing with the kids in cold waters, SUP-board etc). After 15 years active use I need to buy a new one....
I have been looking for a new wetsuit. I currently own a few high end one piece long sleeve and sleeveless, however I don’t like the tightness that they create in my shoulders, I feel like there is extra pressure due to my height (198cm and 110kgs). I thought I would try the T1 Speedtube long pants. I bought the size 7 and like the stretch and fit. I gave them a run today and dropped 10 sec per hundred from 1min 30sec to 1min 20sec per hundred. Next purchase will be the sleeveless vest. If you are not happy with the fit of your wetsuit I would definitely give DeSoto a try.
I hate the restriction of a full suit on my swimming so I gave the speedtube a shot. It fit and worked great. I would recommend to any ocean swimmer who wants to add a little warmth and buoyancy to his/her swim.
They work well.
Works fantastic!
This is my second T1 Speedtube. I had one for years that I just eventually wore out, probably by letting the ocean water eat it away. There was no question that I was going to replace it with the same thing. I get plenty of lower body buoyancy, and plenty of warmth. I've worn this without anything on top through several winters in La Jolla, and it does the trick.
I get extremely claustrophobic in a wetsuit and usually end up unable to breathe or wheezing. I’ve been wearing swim skins instead. I decided to give these a try to give myself the wetsuit edge most other triathletes have, and I couldn’t be happier. These provide the perfect leg flotation and balance with non of the concern for upper body constriction—and are MUCH faster to strip than a full suit. I’m so happy DeSoto provide a two piece option.
love second one. terrific hands on service
So, i’m one of those people that panics in wetsuits. In preparation for my first 70.3 Iron, I stumbled upon the speed tube and vest. WOW. It was fantastic. Swimming in the open water without any panicky thoughts, I simply didn’t think that was possible. Fast swim split, to boot! Next race is an Ironman, you can bet I’ll be wearing my speed tube and vest!
Great! Other brands offer a product that was either too thin or were so low rise that they didn’t cover my bottom. Your Speedtube is perfect!
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