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Medical Support for Skin Cooler™ Products

A MEDICAL TESTIM0NIAL:  In 2017 we received this letter from a respected Dermatologist and Mohs Surgeon:

 I am an avid runner and triathlete and I recently discovered your Skin Cooler products, of which I'm a huge fan.  I have been wearing them for a few months now and couldn't be happier.  I am a dermatologist and Mohs surgeon.   Every patient I see is plagued by basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or melanoma.  I recommend your products to my active patients on a daily basis.  It allows them to continue their active lifestyle while protecting themselves from the sun. I find your product to be far superior to all other cooling and sun protective lines.  I truly appreciate your efforts and innovations. 

Note: No garment should ever be a substitute so we always recommend you wear sunscreen underneath these, and all, products. It is crucial to keep in mind that a sunscreen's (whichever brand you may choose) SPF/UPF rating refers only to its ability to protect skin from UVB radiation. Because we know that UVA damage can be just as insidious, it is essential for the health of your skin that you use a sunscreen that contains the UVA-protecting ingredients of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.


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