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What Does Mother's Day Mean to You?

Mother's Day has always been a special day for me, as it is for you as well, for many reasons.  First, my mother is a strong woman who raised me and my three sisters with few resources, and a large heart, discipline and values.  Of course, she has helped to shape me to be the mother I am today.  I also love Mother's Day as an opportunity to celebrate the amazing women in my life, including my mother-in-law, my sisters, and my friends. 

Even better, exactly nine years ago, I received an extra special Mother's Day gift, our first born son.  I was anxiously anticipating his arrival back in 2010 on Mother's Day, knowing that the very next morning I would be meeting this little man, as we had a scheduled induction.  And he did not disappoint.  The unconditional and endless love that filled my heart was completely unexpected, as you mothers can relate. 

This year, my heart was filled with love yet again as I literally raced as hard as I could through the bike and run portion of my own race, to meet my husband and our younger boys, to see him start the swim portion of his first complete triathlon.  Talk about an extra incentive - I used to think it was the podium.  It's easier to push through the race pain when you have a little person relying on you and whom you want to support. 

What was rather astonishing to me, was the confidence and focus, our son displayed.  He was strong and determined.  He exited third from the water, yanked off his cap and goggles, and ran up the ramp to throw on his shoes, helmet and grab his bike.  And he was off, only slightly delayed due to the volunteers prohibiting him from mounting his bike in the transition zone.  As a rule follower, he complied though he had a fierce look on his little face.  As he came back, he raced to the dismount line and screeched on his brakes.  He charged back into the transition zone and was out a minute later with his trucker on, just like his parents, and was off on the run.  He took 1st place overall for all boys ages 7-10, and my husband and I could not have been prouder!  It is more special than I could have imagined, seeing that fire in his eyes, and the desire to win his first triathlon. 

This Mother's Day, just like the others, will be special but I had an extra special nugget of Mother's Day joy this past weekend, and for that, I am grateful.  Enjoy your day celebrating the women in your lives, and be grateful for the simple things in life, and the relationships that give us meaning. 

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1 comment

  • How wonderful!!! Pictures please!!! Love to see this awesome young athlete of yours!!! Happiest wishes for a wonderful Mother’s Day!!!
    Tri Detroit

    Jill Marx

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